The piano is always true to me. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own. -- Bradley Joseph
The object is to transport my listeners to another place, some place sacred and spiritual that will make them glad they took the ride. -- Bradley Joseph

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bradley Joseph "Stray" - Narada Grand Piano

"Stray" from the album Grand Piano (Narada Anniversary Collection), a 1997 compilation release by Narada which peaked at #10 on Billboard's Top New Age album charts in the same year. "In Narada's 15-year history, no single instrument has more clearly expressd our musical vision than the piano. Its vast scope and orchestral capabilities have allowed it to encompass a sweeping vista of music endowed with the beauty and spirit that characterizes our wide ranging repertoire. Over the years — from David Lanz and Michael Jones to Bradley Joseph — Narada's music has found its most eloquent expression in the hands of highly gifted pianists."

This song also appears on Bradley Joseph's album, Rapture.

Quotes from CD liner:
"The piano exists apart from the performer. You must coax it to be a partner, and some pianos can be resistant. But there are many ways to touch a piano - and if the player invests the time, effort, and the will to love, the response of the instrument is absolutely enormous." — Kostia
"I sense that the instrument is alive - that when I listen closely for nuance and tone, the inanimate world of strings, wood, pins, and steel comes to life. When I honor the piano's vitality and complexity, I can't tell whether I am playing the piano or it is playing me." — Michael Jones
"The piano is a divinely inspired instrument, a mirror held up to its player's soul that captures the light and shadow of the performer and reflects them back to the listener." — David Lanz
"The piano has been my diary. I have gone to it to document my life experiences - whether deeply personal events or to simply record a memory in the snow, or the light on the land. It is the heartbeat of every piece I have every written." — Michael Gettel
"I have been playing piano since my childhood - and to this day I am still fascinated by the creative journeys it takes me on. Somehow I am sure the piano will remain a constant in my life." — Wayne Gratz
"The piano is always true to me. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own." — Bradley Joseph

Artists on this CD: Michael Gettel, David Lanz, Spencer Brewer, Michael Jones, Wayne Gratz, Kostia, Brian Mann, David Arkenstone, Michael Whalen, Richard Souther, Ira Stein, Bradley Joseph.

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Copyright-free images from

"Grand Piano (Narada Anniversary Collection)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.